Resilience of Flooded Territories in Emilia-Romagna: Modigliana Lab

$0 of $100,000 raised

This project conducts a multi-disciplinary investigation of recent calamities in Emilia-Romagna territories. Through a collaborative convention between the Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering of Politecnico di Milano and the Municipality of Modigliana, it empowers public engagement. Short-term goals include mapping risk areas, creating a damage database, and constructing vulnerability maps. Long-term, it aims to develop strategic guidelines for resilient reconstruction and establish a pilot project living lab. This living lab will serve as a model for testing innovative approaches to enhance resilience. Promoting a multi-scale sustainability is a priority.

Your support for this project will directly contribute to funding a research fellowship, enabling the exploration of innovative solutions to build resilience in flooded territories. By backing this endeavour, you play a crucial role in enhancing disaster preparedness and bolstering the community’s capacity to overcome future challenges, fostering a safer and stronger environment for all.

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Donation Total: $25.00